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DIAS, ANDRÉ TAVARES ; ROSADO, BRUNO H P ; BELLO, FRANCESCO DE ; PISTÓN, NURIA ; MATTOS, EDUARDO A DE . Alternative plant designs: consequences for community assembly and ecosystem functioning. ANNALS OF BOTANY, v. ., p. 1-., 2020. 


ELLER, C. ; ROWLAND, L. ; MENCUCCINI, M. ; ROSAS, T. ; MEDLYN, B. ; WILLIAMS, K. ; HARPER, A. ; WAGNER, Y. ; KLEIN, T. ; TEODORO, G. ; OLIVEIRA, R. S. ; MATOS, ILAÍNE S. ; ROSADO, BRUNO H. P. ; FUCHS, K. ; WOHLFAHRT, G. ; MONTAGNANI, L. ; MEIR, P. ; SITCH, S. ; COX, P. . Stomatal optimisation based on xylem hydraulics (SOX) improves land surface model simulation of vegetation responses to climate. NEW PHYTOLOGIST, v. ., p. 1-., 2020. 


MATOS, ILAÍNE S. ; FLORES, B. ; HIROTA, M. ; ROSADO, BRUNO H. P. . Critical transitions in rainfall manipulation experiments on grasslands. Ecology and Evolution, v. ., p. 1-., 2020. 


MATOS, ILAÍNE S. ; OLIVERAS, I. ; RIFAI, S. ; ROSADO, BRUNO H.P. . Deciphering the stability of grassland productivity in response to rainfall manipulation experiments. GLOBAL ECOLOGY AND BIOGEOGRAPHY, v. 19, p. 558-572, 2020. 


PISTON CABALLERO, N. ; BELLO, F. ; DIAS, A. T. ; GOTZENBERGER, L. ; ROSADO, BRUNO H. P. ; DE MATTOS, EDUARDO A. ; SALGUERO-GOMEZ, R. ; CARMONA, C. P. . Multidimensional ecological analyses demonstrate how interactions between functional traits shape fitness and life history strategies. JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY, p. 1365-2745.13190-1, 2019. 


PAULA, L. F. A. ; COLMENARES, S. ; NEGREIROS, D. ; ROSADO, BRUNO H. P. ; MATTOS, EDUARDO A. DE ; BELLO, F. ; POREMBSKI, S. ; SILVEIRA, F. A. O. . High plant taxonomic beta diversity and functional and phylogenetic convergence between two Neotropical inselbergs. Plant Ecology & Diversity, v. ., p. 1-., 2019. 




ZORGER, BIANCA B. ; TABARELLI, MARCELO ; QUEIROZ, RUBENS T. ; ROSADO, BRUNO H. P. ; PINHO, BRUNO X. . Functional organization of woody plant assemblages along precipitation and human disturbance gradients in a seasonally dry tropical forest. BIOTROPICA, v. 1, p. 1, 2019.


Rosado, Bruno Henrique Pimentel. Oportunidades e desafios para o desenvolvimento de sensores ambientais de baixo custo. SUSTINERE: REVISTA DE SAÚDE E EDUCAÇÃO, v. 6, p. 363-367, 2019.


PISTON CABALLERO, N. ; BELLO, F. ; DIAS, A. T. ; GOTZENBERGER, L. ; ROSADO, BRUNO H. P. ; DE MATTOS, EDUARDO A. ; SALGUERO-GOMEZ, R. ; CARMONA, C. P. . Multidimensional ecological analyses demonstrate how interactions between functional traits shape fitness and life history strategies. JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY, p. 1365-2745.13190-1, 2019.


ROSADO, BRUNO H. P.; ALMEIDA, L. ; ALVES, L. F. ; LAMBAIS, M. R. ; OLIVEIRA, R. S. . The importance of phyllosphere on plant functional ecology: a phyllo trait manifesto. NEW PHYTOLOGIST, v. 219, p. 1145-1149, 2018.

DE AZEVEDO AMORIM, THIAGO ; NUNES-FREITAS, ANDRÉ FELIPPE ; ROSADO, BRUNO H. P. . Revisiting the hypothesis for increasing liana abundance in seasonal forests: a theoretical review. PLANT AND SOIL, v. 430, p. 1-6, 2018.


ROSADO, B.H.P. & de Mattos, E.A. On the relative importance of CSR ecological strategies and integrative traits to explain species dominance at local scales. Functional Ecology, n/a-n/a. (


ROSADO, B.H.P., MATOS, I.S. & AMORIM, T.A. (2017) A matter of scale and traits: a comment on ‘On the need for phylogenetic “corrections” in functional trait-based approaches’ by de Bello et al. (2015). Folia Geobotanica, 1-5.

Sfair, J.C., ROSADO, B.H.P. & Tabarelli, M. (2016) The effects of environmental constraints on plant community organization depend on which traits are measured. Journal of Vegetation Science, n/a-n/a.

MATOS, ILAÍNE S. ; ROSADO, B. H. P. . Retain or repel? Droplet volume does matter when measuring leaf wetness traits. Annals of Botany (Print), v. 117, p. mcw025-1052, 2016.​

ROSADO B.H.P., Figueiredo MSL, de Mattos EA, Grelle CEV. Eltonian shortfall due to the Grinnellian view: functional ecology between the mismatch of niche concepts. Ecography. in press

FINERTY, GENEVIEVE E. ; DE BELLO, FRANCESCO ; BÍLÁ, KAROLÍNA ; BERG, MATTY P. ; DIAS, ANDRÉ T.C. ; PEZZATTI, GIANNI B. ; MORETTI, MARCO . Exotic or not, leaf trait dissimilarity modulates the effect of dominant species on mixed litter decomposition. Journal of Ecology (Print), v. n, p. n, 2016.

ROSADO, BRUNO H. P.DE MATTOS, E.A. . Chlorophyll fluorescence varies more across seasons than leaf water potential in drought-prone plants. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências (Online), p. 1, 2016.

ROSADO, B.H.P.; JOLY, C.A.; BURGESS, S.S.O.; OLIVEIRA, R.S. & AIDAR, M.P.M. 2016. Changes in plant functional traits and water use in Atlantic rainforest: evidence of conservative water use in spatio-temporal scales. Trees - Structure and Function. 


de Bello F, Berg M, DIAS A.T.C., Diniz-Filho J, Gotzenberger L, Hortal J, Ladle R, Leps J. On the need for phylogenetic "corrections" in functional trait-based approaches. 2015. Folia Geobotanica. 

LÜTTGE, ULRICH ; SCARANO, FABIO R. ; DE MATTOS, EDUARDO A. ; FRANCO, AUGUSTO C. ; BROETTO, FERNANDO ; DIAS, A. T. C. ; DUARTE, HEITOR M. ; UEHLEIN, NORBERT ; WENDT, TÂNIA . Does ecophysiological behaviour explain habitat occupation of sympatric Clusia species in a Brazilian Atlantic rainforest?. Trees (Berlin. Print), v. 29, p. 1973-1988, 2015.


DIAS, A.T.C. ; BOZELLI, REINALDO LUIZ ; ZAMITH, LUIZ ROBERTO ; ESTEVES, FRANCISCO DE ASSIS ; FERREIRA, PEDRO ; SCARANO, FABIO RUBIO . Limited relevance of studying colonization in degraded areas for selecting framework species for ecosystem restoration. Natureza & Conservação, v. 12, p. 134-137, 2014. Clique aqui para baixar o artigo



BÍLÁ, KAROLÍNA ; MORETTI, MARCO ; DE BELLO, FRANCESCO ; DIAS, A. T.C. ; PEZZATTI, GIANNI B. ; VAN OOSTEN, AREND RAOUL ; BERG, MATTY P. . Disentangling community functional components in a litter-macrodetritivore model system reveals the predominance of the mass ratio hypothesis. Ecology and Evolution, v. 4, p. 408-416, 2014.



DIAS, A.T.C. ; BERG, M. P. ; de Bello F ; Van Oosten, A. R. ; Bílá, K. ; Moretti, M. . An experimental framework to identify community functional components driving ecosystem processes and services delivery. Journal of Ecology, v. 101, p. 29-37, 2013.



DIAS, A. T. C. ; KRAB, EVELINE J. ; MARIËN, JANINE ; ZIMMER, MARTIN ; CORNELISSEN, JOHANNES H. C. ; ELLERS, JACINTHA ; WARDLE, DAVID A. ; BERG, MATTY P. . Traits underpinning desiccation resistance explain distribution patterns of terrestrial isopods. Oecologia, v. 172, p. 667-677, 2013.



ROSADO, B. H. P. ; DE MATTOS, E.A.; STERNBERG, L. S. L. . Are leaf physiological traits related to leaf water isotopic enrichment in restinga woody species?. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências (no prelo). Clique aqui para baixar o artigo



ROSADO, B. H. P. ; DIAS, A. T. C. ; DE MATTOS, E.A. 2013. Going back to basics: importance of ecophysiology when choosing functional traits for studying communities and ecosystems. Natureza & Conservação, v.11, p. 15-22. Clique aqui para baixar o artigo



ROSADO, B. H. P. ; HOLDER, CURTIS D. 2013. The significance of leaf water repellency in ecohydrological research: a review. Ecohydrology, v. 6, p. 150-161.



ROSADO, B. H. P. ; Oliveira, Rafael S. ; Joly, Carlos A. ; Aidar, Marcos P.M. ; Burgess, Stephen S.O. 2012. Diversity in nighttime transpiration behavior of woody species of the Atlantic Rain Forest, Brazil. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology (Print), v. 158, p. 13-20.



PAVARINI, D. ; SILVA, D. B. ; CAROLLO, C. A. ; PORTELLA, A. P. F. ; LATANSIO-AIDAR, S. R. ; Cavalin, P.O. ; OLIVEIRA, V. C. ; ROSADO, B. H. P. ; AIDAR, M. P. M. ; BOLZANI, V. S. ; LOPES, N. P. ; Joly, Carlos A. 2012. Application of MALDI-MS analysis of Rainforest chemodiversity: a keystone for biodiversity conservation and sustainable use. Journal of Mass Spectrometry (Print), v. 47, p. 1482-1485.



ROSADO, B. H. P. ; MARTINS, A. ; COLOMEU, T. C. ; OLIVEIRA, R. S. ; JOLY, C. A. ; AIDAR, M. P. M. . Fine root biomass and root length density in a lowland and a montane tropical rain forest, SP, Brazil. Biota Neotropica (Edição em Português. Online), v. 11, p. 203-209, 2011.



FRESCHET, GRÉGOIRE T. ; DIAS, A.T. C. et al . 2011. Global to community scale differences in the prevalence of convergent over divergent leaf trait distributions in plant assemblages. Global Ecology and Biogeography (Print), v. 20, p. 755-765, 2011.



DIAS, A.T.C. ; Jasper van Ruijven . Plant species richness regulates soil respiration through changes in productivity. Oecologia, v. 163, p. 805-813, 2010.



DIAS, A.T.C. ; Bart Hoorens ; LOGTESTIJN, R. S. P. V. ; VERMAAT, J. E. ; Rien Aerts . Plant Species Composition Can Be Used as a Proxy to Predict Methane Emissions in Peatland Ecosystems After Land-Use Changes. Ecosystems (New York. Print), v. 13, p. 526-538, 2010.



DIAS, A.T.C. ; TRIGO, J. R. ; LEWINSOHN, T. M. . Bottom-up effects on a plant-endophage-parasitoid system: The role of flower-head size and chemistry. Austral Ecology (Print), v. 35, p. 104-115, 2010



ROSADO, B. H. P. ; de Mattos, Eduardo A . Interspecific variation of functional traits in a CAM-tree dominated sandy coastal plain. Journal of Vegetation Science, v. 21, p. 43-54, 2010.



ROSADO, B. H. P. ; OLIVEIRA, R. S. ; AIDAR, M. P. M. . Is leaf water repellency related to vapor pressure deficit and crown exposure in tropical forests?. Acta Oecologica (Montrouge), v. 36, p. 645-649, 2010.



ROSADO, B. H. P. ; DE MATTOS, E.A. . Variação temporal de características morfológicas de folhas em dez espécies do Parque Nacional da Restinga de Jurubatiba, Macaé, RJ, Brasil. Acta Botanica Brasílica (Impresso), v. 21, p. 741-752, 2007.



DIAS, A. T. C. ; ZALUAR, H. L. T. ; GANADE, G. ; SCARANO, F. R. . Canopy composition influencing patch dynamics in a Brazilian sandy coastal plain. Journal of Tropical Ecology (Print), v. 21, p. 343-347, 2005



DIAS, A. T. C. ; de MATTOS, E. A. ; VIEIRA, S. A. ; AZEREDO, J. V. ; SCARANO, F. R. . Aboveground biomass stock of native woodland on a Brazilian sand coastal plain: estimates based on the dominant tree species. Forest Ecology and Management, Holanda, v. 226, p. 364-367, 2006.

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